Friday, November 11, 2005

Telephone conversations and flashbacks to 1978

Indonesian telephone etiquette has been written about at great length by others online, so I won't bother writing a tome here. Suffice to say, every phone conversation with an Indonesian starts off like the introduction to PIL's 1978 single "Public Image" (for those kiddies out there among you, PIL was John Lydon's [a.k.a Johhny Rotten] first band after the demise of the Sex Pistols). If you still have no idea what I'm talking about, the introduction to that song went something like this -


Perhaps SBY could issue a Presidential Decree that makes it mandatory for phone users to identify themselves or state their purpose after the other person says "hello" once? (even twice would be a huge improvement)


Blogger Patung said...

Yes, "Hello" often comes in the middle of the phone call and seems to me to mean "Are you (still) there? Can you hear me?". Now when someone says hello to me I insist on saying hello back to them, which of course is not what they want to hear. Yes, hello, I reply, we did this already. I'm just stubborn.

patung at Indonesia News

1:19 AM  

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